Monthly Archives: July 2014

Free Seminar 29th July 2014

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Fully kitted-out

Our director Dr Julie Nightingale is delighted to report that we have made a significant investment to upgrade facilities for teaching and research. These include CR-DR upgrade in our 2 x-ray rooms in the Sue Hall Imaging facility (SHIF), and

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Don’t miss this year’s Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education & Research conference

This event is a must for all radiography educators and researchers. The conference will take place on 21 and 22 November in Bristol. This is the second joint academic conference of the Heads of Radiography Education Forum, the Association of

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This blog is the supplement to  the quarterly Newsletter, Illuminate, which is published by the Directorate of Radiography at the university of Salford as a .pdf and circulated via an email distribution list. We are trialling the blog and  hope that this

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